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Section: New Results

Timed, Probabilistic, and Stochastic Extensions

Tools for Probabilistic and Stochastic Systems

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang.

Formal models and tools dealing with quantitative aspects (such as time, probabilities, and other continuous physical quantities) have become unavoidable for a proper study and computer-aided verification of functional and non-functional properties of cyber-physical systems. The wealth of such formal models is sometimes referred to as a quantitative “zoo” [48].

The CADP toolbox already implements some of these probabilistic/stochastic models, namely DTMCs and CTMCs (Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time Markov Chains), and IMCs (Interactive Markov Chains) [50]. Our long-term goal is to increase the capability and flexibility of the CADP tools, so as to support other quantitative models more easily.

In 2018, BCG_STEADY and BCG_TRANSIENT were enhanced along the following lines:

On-the-fly Model Checking for Extended Regular Probabilistic Operators

Participant : Radu Mateescu.

Specifying and verifying quantitative properties of concurrent systems requires expressive and user-friendly property languages combining temporal, data-handling, and quantitative aspects. In collaboration with José Ignacio Requeno (Univ. Zaragoza, Spain), we undertook the quantitative analysis of concurrent systems modeled as PTSs (Probabilistic Transition Systems), whose actions contain data values and probabilities. We proposed a new regular probabilistic operator that extends naturally the Until operators of PCTL (Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic[47], by specifying the probability measure of a path characterized by a generalized regular formula involving arbitrary computations on data values. We integrated the regular probabilistic operator into MCL, we devised an associated on-the-fly model checking method based on a combined local resolution of linear and Boolean equation systems, and we implemented the method in a prototype extension of the EVALUATOR model checker.

In 2018, we continued improving and using the extended model checker as follows:

A paper describing the probabilistic extension of MCL and of the on-the-fly model checker was published in an international journal [13].